Friday, August 2, 2013

It's a beach life for me..

The sun on your face, the salt on your lips, the sand on your toes. I love it all. 

I don't know what I would do if I didn't live near the beach and I couldn't possibly imagine not having it 5 minutes away. As much as I don't always love where I live, I am beyond blessed and grateful that I have this amazing place to call home. I live the life that others come to vacation to. This place truly makes my soul happy. The shoobies really do get on my nerves but it wouldn't be any fun without them because who else would I make fun of?? 

I don't think I could survive without my sun kissed skin and beach blown hair. 

..speaking of beach blown hair, I meant that quite literally for today. Nothing better than riding with the top down (in my grandmothers bright yellow VW punch buggy). Never realized just how heavy and how much hair I had until it was being whipped around at 55 mph. #iwhipmyhairbackandforth 

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