Sunday, August 18, 2013

Closet Organization!..double racks

As you know from my last post, I have been working on redoing my room. Specifically working on my ridiculous closet that has gotten out of control!! 

So incase you didn't see the "before" picture, here it is.. I should warn you though, it's a scary sight 

But on the bright side, the "after" picture is soo much better!! 
Here it is..

Here's what happened:
   I took the one middle shelf and bar out and put in two shelves and bars! (The shelf up top you can't see, which is an added bonus!) The shelves are just white shelves from Home Depot that we had to cut to the right size, and same for the poles. Another bonus, on the middle shelf I put my flats, heels and sandals. This actually was a fairly easy project and opened up sooo much space in my closet. Now Ill just have to go shopping to fill it up ;) 
...just kidding, really trying to live more simply! 

I hope I've inspired you to get organized, I know it REALLY helped me in my everyday life and even brought my stress level down. 

Happy organizing 

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